Finding myself in need of creative motivation, I took a step back in history, and considered William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada’s 10th and longest-serving prime minister. I imagined him sitting at his (now) antique desk and typewriter, allowing his thoughts to flow through to his fingers.
He chose to regularly remove himself from the ever-pressing requirements of his political office, in order to gain repose and be refreshed. Many an hour were spent in this room located on his private estate, where he brought his thoughts into submission. This intentional and restorative habit, intrinsically laid the formative foundations for his legacy.
When you find yourself thirsting for the moisture of creative release, or feel lost in the doldrums of ineffectiveness, do not despise your seemingly inadequate efforts. Even those errant failures and frustrations lubricate the one thing which constantly encapsulates who you are. Your voice. It is unique, and no one else can express or communicate like you do. So write, sing, paint, draw, speak - knowing your words and outlets of expression have value and do matter.